- Recipe Builder 👨🍳
Building recipes on customer-level is of high value for our customers, meaning that the climate calculation will correspond to the BIM model.
ℹ️ With the introduction of Recipe Builder, you can add, edit, delete, search and sort by customer-specific recipes. We will add the highest value-bringing functions in the Recipe Builder continuously. ℹ️ Duplicate global and company-specific recipes to speed up your recipe bank creation.
📚 Introducing two concepts: Components and LCA Packages. Components are the fundamental resources that make up a recipe. A Recipe can contain one or more components, each of which is defined by its quantity. You will be able to set the quantity for each component in your recipe, ensuring detailed resource tracking.
Each selected component is linked to a predefined Lifecycle Performance across all LCA phases. This combination of values and attributes is what we call an LCA Package. These packages automatically include key lifecycle events such as production, transportation, and disposal phases in order to streamline the assessment process for each resource
🛠️ Ready-to-use Database The launch of Recipe Builder includes a pre-populated database of the most common components used in the construction industry, each tied to an LCA Package. This ensures that when you select a component, the associated lifecycle performance data is automatically added to your calculations.